The healthy benefits of healthy breakfast

Talbina and porridge; healthy breakfast

Cereals are a magical food that is full of various vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants.

That is why cereals are considered a treasure of health and it is not wrong for those who eat foods made from grains to have a heart. The study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, looked at the diet and health outcomes of 100 people over a 14-year period.
All of these people remained healthy from 1984 to 2010. The 26 deaths that occurred in the last years were due to other physical ailments. People whose diet consisted of cereals, brown rice, corn, oatmeal and large amounts, especially heart According to researchers, eating 28 grams of pure grains or a small cup of fibre (such as oatmeal) once a day reduces the risk of death by 5 percent and the risk of heart attack and other diseases by at least 10 percent. Can be done

According to Dr Hanigwood of the Harvard School of Public Health, "These dietary changes have also led to a significant increase in grain consumption. The results have provided some very encouraging evidence that eating pure grains The benefits can extend life expectancy. According to Dr Honeygood, author of the study, straw grains contain bran and germs, so refined grains, such as white rice, pasta, and white flour, contain 25 percent more protein. Keep
Dr Hanegowd's previous study showed that eating whole grains reduced bone density, lowered blood pressure, and increased the number of healthy bacteria in the stomach. It also reduced the risk of diabetes.
Oat or oats contain a specific fibre called beta-glucan, which lowers cholesterol (bad) levels and keeps the heart strong. In addition, when it comes to boosting the body's natural and immune system, this fiber is the most effective in the fight to stay healthy. Proves to be a weapon.
Remember that our body does not produce beta-glucan naturally. Therefore, the only way to get this compound is through external sources, especially in grains, yeast, wheat, mushrooms and oats.
Talbina is a prophetic version
The ingredients of the prepared talbina include barley, cashews, almonds and pistachios. This is the prescription of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) which makes good blood and makes up for the lack of calcium.
According to the hadith,
 Talbina is useful in all diseases of depression, fatigue and stomach. It strengthens the weak body. It sharpens the eyesight and relieves joint pain. By adding nutritious fruits in Talbina, the nutrition with both grains is increased many times. If you want, you can also prepare barley porridge and add it by garnishing the fruits. You can also add some seasonal fruits like raisins, walnuts like strawberries or cherries in the season to enhance the taste.

And of course, talbina, which is made with milk, will be the best nutritious food. Eating it will increase the level of antioxidants in the body, which is a way to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals (molecules). Eating a simple but nutritious breakfast to stay healthy can keep many diseases at bay.
The healthy benefits of healthy breakfast The healthy benefits of healthy breakfast Reviewed by TASAWAR HUSSAIN on June 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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